2018 has definitely been a weird year, most likely because one chapter of my life ended and I began another - or possibly because it's been pretty hectic and I honestly just can't believe it's over.
First, of course, we can hit the high points of 2018:
I really believe I've grown as a person. This past year I feel like I've learned to trust myself more along with trying new things. At the beginning of 2018 I was still in high school and I feel like during that time I worked really hard to get things I wanted. I put in extra time to get better at photography, I entered photography scholarship out there- didn't win much but I learned a lot, and lastly I became more confident in my work. When I started playing tennis (here we go again, this is all I talk about but you have to understand that this consumes my life haha) we had to define our goals and what certain words such as: effort, dedication, etc. mean and I really enjoyed this because I had to sit down and write out my goals. Doing this opened my eyes to what I really wanted out of myself. Maybe it's because I really love to plan *looks at future career* but I think it is really important to take time to think about what you really want for yourself, or at least it was good for me. It gave me things to work for and things to look forward to.
And now for a few lighter things: I found a new love for the TV show "Narcos" - I seriously cannot get enough of it *highly recommended unless you don't speak Spanish and don't enjoy reading subtitles* I don't speak Spanish but I have no problem with subtitles. I have watches 2 1/2 seasons (hour long each) in a week. UNHEALTHY.
I wrote a lot of handwritten letters over Christmas Break, which I really love. There's nothing like writing a handwritten letter to make you realize how much you appreciate someone because you have to sit there and think about them! I hope in 2019 to do that 52 letters of gratitudes, which is a letter to someone you appreciate. (There's a book that you can get for like $13 that has prompts and envelopes with a place to write, but I'll just DIY it)
This year, I changed my hair! I got my sister to put highlights in my hair. I really liked the change, but I guess you could say I am a change junkie. Change is what truly brings new opportunities and memories!! But as of a few days ago, I dyed my hair back to brown (somewhat, very subtle) so I don't have to keep bleaching it. BUT the little time with lots of blonde was definitely a good choice.
Going to MCC gave me a lot of new friends. Whether it was bonding with my tennis girls or just becoming friends with someone I have a class with, I've met lots of really cool people. 10/10 experience hahaha.
Although I don't anymore, and haven't for a while, at the begging of 2018 I was still going to spin with my mom. Although most mornings were terribly hard to get up, one thing I really loved about going was leaving right as the sun would rise every morning. Sunrises and sunsets are definitely one of my favorite things. Not sure what it is, but there is something so peaceful about watching the day begin and end. Hopefully I can get myself to get up before the sunrises some days in 2019, but what can I say - ya girl loves to sleep.
Although I've been away for a couple of months, I got to spend a lot of time at camp at the earlier half of the year, and I also got to lead Happening 87. My diocese means the world to me, it's honestly a place where I feel at home. I've always felt in-touch with my faith and spirituality, but this year I felt like I grew a lot as a person. There is seriously nothing like the Rose Hill Lake constellation or an abundance of warm fuzzies to do the job.
I painted my room completely white on my own which was a little exhausting, but was worth it in the end because I felt really accomplished. After that my sisters and I painted a mural on my wall. It displays two hands doing a "pinky promise" in front of an arrangement of flowers, I've always loved flowers because , to me, they represent growth which is very important to me. The "pinky promise" I just thought was a cool design, but it can represent the bonds you have with people too and that is honestly, everything.
And the last point of 2018: Although my habit of randomly getting on social media is not good - because I get on way too much, these past couple of months I have become a lot less self conscious about it. A lot of girls my age always talk about "have you posted a pic in that outfit already??" or "how many likes did you get??" and I just came to the realization that none of that is important- I just post what I want to!
10 hopes for 2019:
1. I hope that I can make enough time for myself along with other people. I think it's important to do things for others because you never know when someone needs you most. I hope to pick up on things such as meditation to really focus on myself.
2. I hope to be stress-free and happy all of 2019. Like I always say, life is entirely too short to spend feeling angry or stressed. I only have time for happiness. Which brings me to one of my favorite quotes I found this year that I will definitely be taking into 2019: "Surround yourself with people who feel like sunshine."
3. I hope to practice patience and gratitude. I like to think that I am a patient person, but deep down I know that I am not. AT ALL. Honestly, being impatient is just selfish, so I hope for the ability to positively practice patience. I also want to more consistently practice gratitude. There are things that I couldn't live without but wouldn't acknowledge until they were taken from me. I am seriously blessed with good family and friends, education, etc. and I honestly do not say thank you enough.
4. I hope to love myself fully all of this year. No more convincing myself I'm not good enough or that I can't accomplish something. That is one thing I will NOT be making time for,.
5. I want to try new things, be a little adventurous (and a lot of adventurous too). I want to go places and do things I would've never seen myself doing, I want to try new foods, and continue trying to be more open minded (in relation to music genres, learn more about my religion, etc.) Knowledge is power baby, knowledge is power.
6. I hope that I can make more eco-consciencous and natural decisions. Meridian does not pick up recycling, but there are so many things I can do to not be so wasteful and harmful towards the environment. I try to do a few things here and there, but there is so much more I can do.
7. Learn AND PRACTICE (my downfall) more Spanish so it will be easier to communicate with my family. I would also like to learn more ASL (American Sign Language). I learned a few basic words at Special 1 because one of my campers had a hearing impairment, and the use of Sign Language really intrigued me. Hey, you never know when you'll need it.
8. I hope to take a ton of pictures, per usual - but more. I love taking pictures with friends and family and I hope that I remember to take a lot more this upcoming year. I lveo having these special moments to look back on and to share. I do it especially because I know one day I will be so glad I did.
9. I hope I can continue to be healthy. My biggest fear is losing my exercise habits after tennis is over and I hope that I can stick to it. Not only exercise, but eating habits too. I am not looking for some fad diet that will help me for 5 seconds, I hope to pick up on healthy eating habits that I can carry with me throughout my life; mostly just realizing what foods are going to benefit or negatively effect me.
10. Lastly, I want to travel. I want to see this gigantic world we live in, places big and small. I want to go back to Costa Rica and visit my family again, I want to go see the Delta with my grandfather so he can show me where he grew up. I seriously just can't stay still and I'm always down to travel.
Best wishes to you for 2019. I hope your goals are clear and positive! I hope that for you and me, our resolutions will last longer than a week and the upcoming year will be filled with only happiness and the best of memories! Thank you 2018, for the lessons and the memories. Thank you for allowing me to grow as a person and as a spiritual being. I hope to continue growing in the right direction and that I can over come everything that comes with 2019. Catch ya on the flip side. Happy New Year!