The question of the day: "What does it mean to be beautiful?"
I, personally, think the word "beautiful" can be interpreted in 10 trillion different ways. When people think of the word "beautiful", I would be willing to bet that their first thoughts are about physical aesthetic. They are not wrong, but I feel like physical aesthetic is just what society has tricked us into believing is the only thing that can be beautiful. But I feel like once people sit on the thought of what being beautiful means for a minute or two, their brain jumps to internal beauty. Whether beauty means being happy or being kind, it is an action that results from happiness radiating from physical things. So with these thoughts on my brain, I conducted a little survey to see what my fellow BEAUTIFUL people thought of the question of the day.
"What does it mean to be beautiful?"
1.Sophia Calderon: I believe that being beautiful means being a happy person who allows positive vibes to radiate from them. Someone who allows laughter, happiness, and kindness to become contagious. Being beautiful means taking time to appreciate the simple things in life.
2. Pope Mallette: To be beautiful means to be confident in who you are while staying kind to other people and being humble.
3. Katie Seage: To exude love in all that you do and to everyone you meet.
4. Jackson Barber: Beautiful is when someone else sacrifices their own joy for someone else's.
5. Kennady Hertz: To be beautiful is to have sunshine radiating out of you.
6. Shelton Gray: I think being beautiful is such a large concept that is so hard for people to understand and truly learn what it means to possess it.
7. Claire Lomnick: Being beautiful means that someone appreciated and accepted the value within the person, place, or, thing they consider beautiful; everything has beauty, being beautiful just means someone noticed.
8. Carson Clark: Being beautiful means to be pure at heart and to treat others as best as you can despite your differences.
9. Anna Gail Welch: I feel most beautiful when I'm by myself, in my car, driving, smiling, dancing, and singing (to whatever at the moment). I always wish for someone to be there to experience that blissful happiness, but I've come to realize that it's a moment meant for just me - and that's beautiful.
10. Rebecca Donaldson: Definitely being yourself.
11. Brady Duggan: I think being beautiful is being happy and kind.
12. Livvy Cohen: Being truly beautiful is being happy with your surroundings and others, but more importantly happy with yourself.
13. Anna Katherine Carrier: To be confident and kind to any and everyone.
14. Will Baumhauer: Loving others while doing the right thing. You can do either but doing both is a different ball game.
15. James Prewitt: Being beautiful can mean many things, but the most important beauty is of the heart. Images may fade, but beautiful acts are forever.
16. Unknown: "If only our eyes saw souls instead of bodies, how very different our ideals of beauty would be."
17. Psalms 139:14: "You are Beautiful. For you are fearfully and wonderfully made". God made us in his perfect image in order to live a life that is happy and unique so in the end you can tell your story. Your story is beautiful.
I'm writing this blog in the last 10 minutes of being 16. As I go into the next year of my life, I'll be sure to remember that: beauty comes from within, acknowledging the beauty in everything around you is important, and that beauty is something held within every person in the world. As you go on, remember to be nice to others and to yourself. Remember that you are beautiful and if people don't see that, it is probably because your beauty is so unique and amazing that it is too hard to understand at times. Keep smiling and keep being your best self. You are absolutely RADIATING WITH BEAUTY.