Every summer, Camp Bratton Green holds 2 one-week sessions for people with mental and physical disabilities. Most people know these magical weeks as "Special Session". Most people think of special session to be a week where counselors help campers do things like: arts and crafts, fishing,dancing, etc., but they are wrong. There is no "counselor to camper relationship" at Special Session. It is strictly just friends having a good time, with a little guidance here and there. There again, we guide each other.
At Special Session 1, a song that is constantly sung is Bob Marley's "One Love". You all know the iconic lines "One love, One Heart, Let's get together and feel alright". Thats what Special Session is all about. It is people of every skin color and a different story behind each face, all coming together under one big rainbow parachute to get tangled up in the trinity.
Recently I attended Special Session 1, where I met one of my new friends, Tammie. Tammie has something really cool and unique about her, she is deaf. When I told Tammie I liked to write, she told me to write something about her. I scribbled on her dry erase board "What do you want people to know about you?" And instead of saying that she is deaf, or a girl, or happy to be at camp...she writes "That Jesus loves me too." 5 simple words made me realize a lot about Tammie. The world that we live in makes my friend feel unwelcome at times. So this is where I challenge you, in hopes that I never cross anyone else whose self worth is lessened by the cruel things that this world sometimes throws at us.
Your Challenge:
1. Smile at every person you cross, even if they don't smile back.
2. Help someone who needs it, even if it as simple as holding a door open.
3. Make sure that the world never lessens your self worth. You are beautifully and wonderfully made.
Back to the good stuff, Special Session has taught me so much about myself and the world. These sweet friends I meet every year give off the sweetest, purest form of love known to mankind. Every smile makes you realize that there is no good excuse for not being happy all of the time. And the activities you do with one another makes you realize that patience results in good memories.
results in good memories.
Finally, I am going to leave you with my favorite song that is sung at Special Session 1, "I Fly Away". Every time this song is sung, I get goosies (J-Lo reference). The first verse of the song goes: "I fly away oh glory, I fly away. When I die, Alleluia by and by, I fly away." My favorite part of the song is the second verse that says "I feel better, so much better, since I lay my burden down". Whenever I go to Special Session, every worry in the world fades away, and I fly away to the only place where heaven meets earth, Camp Bratton Green. Lay your burdens down, dance like nobody is watching, it is time to live your best life.